By: Francisco "El Jimagua" Cartagena Méndez
Writer and Human Rights Activist
President ASI Foundation
Twitter: @eljimagua
The reality is that being gay is a reality of life; It is something totally natural, another sign that human beings are totally sexual and diverse. In my thirty-one springs I have observed how many men hide their true human nature. They disguise themselves as heterosexual males or females, ignoring any possibility of discovering their true sexual instinct.
Sadly, millions of people in the world have been forced (either by fear, by habit, by learned machismo, by obligation or by cowardice) not to show who they really are. However, the indifference of a gay man in the closet towards another gay man rests on the connotation of the most absurd fear. We are in the 21st century, the freedom of other gays should not bother someone who lives in the shadows of double life. Instead, he should be an example and give him strength to be as he is.Being gay is being yourself. Both men and women around the planet earth want people of the same sex. In all civilizations, cultures and religions, homosexuality is a reality. This very real fact must make us ask the following; How human beings of different ideologies and cultures are able to have feelings and desires for people of the same sex? ... the answer is simple; because it is something totally real and natural of humanity.
In all the archaeological finds that seek to understand the history of humanity, there are present stories of love between people of the same sex. The reason for this is one, since there have always been people who feel sexual and physical desire and affection (love) for people of the same sex.The question that arises before the above is; Why then have homosexuals faced so much discrimination, persecution, hatred, assault and murder against them? The answer is divided in two; 1) the extremist religious ideology and 2) the domain of free thought.
Religious visionaries found in human sexuality, an opportunity to firstly condemn the human being, and second, to dominate him. Conviction precedes the domain of free thought and therefore dominates free sexuality. Uneasiness arises; why in more than 450 species of animals, homosexuality is a reality. A sexuality that is not persecuted, except in human beings of course.
The reason is simple, because the animals (those that are not human) do not have the reasoning by which, the persuasion and the cognitive domain is achieved. However, it is really unknown, if in the animal world (beyond humans) it is possible that there is discrimination by those animals that prefer to copulate between other animals of the same sex.
Being gay is identical to being heterosexual. Gay love and heterosexual love are marked by the same situations. The strangeness, the confidence or the distrust, the necessity and the custom, the desire and sexual appetite, the curiosity, the affection, the hug, the copulate, the kiss. All actions of affection and sexuality between human beings.
For many and for many, everything described above is well seen between couples of the opposite sex (because of the need for human procreation and for the divine or the contemporary deities). However, it is no less true that all human feelings (desire, strangeness, love, love, affection, sexual desire, custom, among others) are present in the lives of people or homosexual couples.
An important issue of homosexuality is that in a certain way, we contribute to not increase human overpopulation. Although many gay people (both men and women) have sons or daughters; the vast majority have not procreated. The overpopulation has negative effects for any country and this has been evident in numerous news headlines and various studies, as happens in China, which have a policy of procreation.
I dare to bet that this writing reflects, without a doubt for my own challenge, a new opportunity to continue writing and discovering new horizons about the diversity of the human being. You can judge me, but the idea is already on the table. To a good listener, only a reliable kiss between two people of the same sex is enough.
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