martes, 12 de junio de 2018

Family and homoheterosexuality

Family and homoheterosexuality
By: Francisco "El Jimagua" Cartagena Méndez
Writer and Human Rights Activist
President ASI Foundation
Twitter: @eljimagua

She was a lesbian, her heart knew it, but her fear made her marry a man and have children. She had a beautiful family that she loved, but his instinct and identity were revealed against his homoheterosexuality, and one night he had to meet that other girl, as free as the wind, libertarian of his self-confinement.

When sexual identities are condemned, pointed out and discriminated against, they find no other option than to live a double life. It can be your reality, that of your parents, your children (as) or friends (as).

The term homoheterosexuality refers to heterosexual marriage consummated by hidden homosexuality in one of their spouses. In childhood most homosexuals, lesbians, transsexuals or transgenders, we suffer a social metamorphosis, which changes our real identity, by heterosexuality. We are what others want to see, but our heart detests capacity, a lie.

Being bisexual or homo-heterosexual is not the same. The bisexual person feels a genuine attraction for people of the same sex and the opposite. The homoheterosexual person feels attracted to people of the same sex but feels obligated to have a "public" love relationship with a person of the opposite sex.Some causes of homoheterosexuality are discrimination, the religion that judges homosexuals, homophobia and its consequences, hate crimes, a feeling of self-blame and self-denial in the homosexual itself, as well as media homophobia.

It is not surprising that in Puerto Rico and in the rest of the world, there are thousands of homoheterosexual families, nor that the "traditional family" is not already the same as it was two decades ago. The definition of family accepts that this social structure undergoes continuous changes that arise from different historical processes and social contexts.

Today's society is characterized by a diversity of family structures, such as nuclear ones; composed by the father, the mother and their children, biological or adopted.The nuclear series; of nuclear nature but a member of the couple or both were previously married and bring the children of the previous family to the new union. On the other hand, there are single mothers and homosexual families.

All these factors are interrelated and impact the family, which responds by undergoing modifications and adopting new ways to be tempered to new times.

Other factors that have effects on society in general are divorces, racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, processes of social exclusion, discrimination, consumerism and poverty.These transformations and the changes that occur in response to new trends in the family can not be ignored by the state. A state that adjusts its policy to new trends does so equitably, for no reason excludes any representative reality of current families.

For this reason, we must accept the diversity of family structures and consider the desirability of redefining the term family, as well as being sensitive to family structures that are socially disadvantaged and that require greater support by the state, such as single mothers, the elderly and the elderly. same-sex couples.

Homoheterosexuals, like homosexuals, are part of a traditional family nucleus, but we represent that hidden reality of homosexuality. Reality that needs an opening to the recognition that we are human beings and as such we deserve equal rights.

My family, like millions of other diverse families, we feel abandoned and discriminated against by governments that have not yet given way to equity. To send COMMENTS:

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