lunes, 18 de junio de 2018

El Jimagua - I was born homosexual - a poem of reaffirmation of sexual identity

 As I was born, so I will die; homosexual

I was born homosexual, 

i have always known.
I was born duck; 
that's what my friends said 
I was born faggot;
that's how they described someone like me on the radio.
I was born a demon; 
they called me in the church. 
I was born promiscuous;
it is not easy to love being pointed. 
I was born fear
in silence I am loving.
I was born a lie
the society to a double life has bowed me.
I was born adulterer 
in the night my instinct is tamed me.
 I was born a grudge
 for the time that homophobia has taken from me. 
I was born sorry 
society is the victim of a generalized fundamentalism. 
I was born passion 
if they saw how he and I love each other. 
I was born wish 
with my partner to be able to walk hand in hand. 
I was born wanting 
it is reliable, our hearts are still dreaming. 
I was born equity
that your rights are mine, without my identity go asking.
I was born sin 
once again a religious has condemned me.
I was born truth 
I am who I am, and that has never changed.I was born a son of the one they call God; 
if he has created me that way. 
I was born Homosexual; 
and homosexual I have to die inside or outside the closet. 

Written by Francisco J. Cartagena Méndez - The Jimagua 
Comments to: / Twitter: @eljimagua  All rights reserved3/26/2011

Ricky Martin's sexual freedom: an example to follow

 By: Francisco "El Jimagua" Cartagena Méndez
Writer and Human Rights Activist
President ASI Foundation
Twitter: @eljimagua

I do not lie to you, it is not that Ricky Martin lives 'the crazy life', nor that he lives half of life, but that beauty is his career and his walk; he has the cup of life clutched in his hands and his unfinished business is to infect us with his freedom, with his physical and inner beauty. The naturalness by which Ricky Martin lives his life breaks all kinds of stigmas and is a hard blow against homophobia.

Ricky Martin is a Puerto Rican singer and is homosexual. He has traveled around the world with his music and his great heart. He is a philanthropist who (risking his life), fight tirelessly against human trafficking. He has been successful on Broadway and in television series. In general, every project he carries out is a success due to his dedication, his talents and his professionalism.

But Enrique Martín's greatest success was several years ago, when he came out of the closet and shouted his truth to the world. With his album MAS (Music, Soul and Sex) he claimed his sexual orientation with songs like 'I do not lie to you' and 'More'.

Beyond the criticism that Ricky has received from some homophobic commentators (after marrying Jwan Yosef) and from religious fundamentalists, the naturalness through which he lives his life breaks all kinds of stigmas and is a serious blow against homophobia .

Ricky Martin is an example to follow. The projection of her life and her love with her husband Jwan Yosef and her beautiful children, represents a great motivation for other homosexuals. Very especially for homosexual people who are parents just like him. Who we have lived in the closet, we recognize how difficult it is to pretend to be someone else and the suffering it causes. A very hurtful, unjust and unnecessary suffering.

However, in the world there are still millions of people suffering from being forced to live a double life. In the case of our Ricky Martin, after living for so many years hiding his homosexuality - suffering possibly blackmail, bribes and threats - to live now as a totally free human being, he sends to the world a message of struggle for human rights and for the dignity of the people that belong to the LGBTT community in general.

Being gay is beautiful. But first you are human and all human beings must be free and respected. Then the labels that society created to divide us, segmented us and put us to fight with each other appear. Heterosexuality, homosexuality, etc., are labels created by certain groups in order to create sentences through which they gain power and control over our lives.

Religious fundamentalism is very dangerous and continues to intensify its hatred and its actions against homosexuals. In all the countries of the world there are people who suffer enormously and who commit suicide because of the rejection of their parents and society.

The world needs more artists, actors, politicians and people in general, who live their sexual orientation in freedom and with naturalness. Gays are human beings worthy and deserving of respect. We must have the right to life and to love without discrimination or fear.

It is important to keep fighting against the LGBT phobias. Love will always win in the end.Thank you Ricky Martin for existing, for living as you are, for putting the name of Puerto Rico high and for all the good things you do in different countries of the world.Ricky; If by chance you read this article, I dedicate these verses to you: "Your smile is a whirlwind of emotions, of which it would be a sin to hold on".

You can comment below or write to: - Twitter @eljimagua

martes, 12 de junio de 2018

Sexuality in Old Age and the Gay Elderly

Sexuality in Old Age and the Gay Elderly
By: Francisco "El Jimagua" Cartagena Méndez
Writer and Human Rights Activist
President ASI Foundation
Twitter: @eljimagua

Our elders fall in love and feel sexual desires. Sexuality has been present throughout the history of the human being. It is known that we are sexual beings, however there are myths and beliefs that have taken root in our societies. This has created various stigmas about the sexual act and its protagonists, whether they are heterosexual couples or belonging to the LGBTT community.

Sexuality in the population over 60 years of age, is a subject little discussed and researched, so there are prejudices and myths that the elderly have no desire or sexual ability. This is totally wrong, since sexuality in old age exists and its practice will depend on various factors and the capacity of each person individually. [pullquote] Sexuality in the population over 60 years of age, is a subject that is little discussed and researched, which is why there are prejudices and myths that elderly people do not possess sexual desire or capacity.

Orihuela, Gómez & Fumero (2009) indicate that the cessation of sexual activity is not a chronological event, but depends on factors such as the state of health and the degree of physical and mental disability and the frequency and quality of sexual relations previous The affective situation and quality of the relationship with the couple and with other people and the health crisis are also determining factors.

In this regard, Pérez explains (2008) that people can not be fragmented in certain periods of existence, they are born and reach the end of their lives as sexual beings. Human sexuality is a sociocultural phenomenon that is influenced by the quality of interpersonal relationships, the context in which we live and by the integration we have made of the lived experiences.

Therefore, sexual pleasure is a desirable and valid experience for older adults because it generates great well-being and is part of a natural process of the human being. In the third age there is all kinds of affection and sexual expression, despite the belief that elderly people are not able to enjoy sex.Discrimination against gay seniors is another factor that can interfere with a natural sexuality in the elderly. Many gays of the third age are pushed to the solitude, or separated of their pairs by reasons of legal nature or by widowhood.

It should be added that many gay elders are pushed back into the closet and discriminated against by other younger gays, which is why sexuality becomes a bit more conflictive, due to the current discrimination in our societies. 

Elderly discrimination / Gays is another factor that can interfere with a natural sexuality in the elderly. Many gays of the third age are pushed into solitude, or separated from their partners for reasons of legal nature or for widowhood. 

Aging should not be synonymous with weakness, discrimination or prejudice. Our seniors are people who have regularly devoted a lifetime to the workforce and family, so it is important to respect them, keep them company and not discriminate against them.

The issue of sexuality in the human being is complex and becomes a problem when it is not addressed from the mental opening, away from prejudice and having a genuine interest in acquiring the necessary knowledge, allowing us to have a full sexuality, pleasant and remote of shameOlder people, far from constituting a homogenous collective in what refers to sexuality, are still sexual beings, with desires and needs related to their own sexuality, which they should enjoy without any difficulty.  

For comments | Twitter: @eljimagua* Writer and human rights activist of Puerto Rico.

Family and homoheterosexuality

Family and homoheterosexuality
By: Francisco "El Jimagua" Cartagena Méndez
Writer and Human Rights Activist
President ASI Foundation
Twitter: @eljimagua

She was a lesbian, her heart knew it, but her fear made her marry a man and have children. She had a beautiful family that she loved, but his instinct and identity were revealed against his homoheterosexuality, and one night he had to meet that other girl, as free as the wind, libertarian of his self-confinement.

When sexual identities are condemned, pointed out and discriminated against, they find no other option than to live a double life. It can be your reality, that of your parents, your children (as) or friends (as).

The term homoheterosexuality refers to heterosexual marriage consummated by hidden homosexuality in one of their spouses. In childhood most homosexuals, lesbians, transsexuals or transgenders, we suffer a social metamorphosis, which changes our real identity, by heterosexuality. We are what others want to see, but our heart detests capacity, a lie.

Being bisexual or homo-heterosexual is not the same. The bisexual person feels a genuine attraction for people of the same sex and the opposite. The homoheterosexual person feels attracted to people of the same sex but feels obligated to have a "public" love relationship with a person of the opposite sex.Some causes of homoheterosexuality are discrimination, the religion that judges homosexuals, homophobia and its consequences, hate crimes, a feeling of self-blame and self-denial in the homosexual itself, as well as media homophobia.

It is not surprising that in Puerto Rico and in the rest of the world, there are thousands of homoheterosexual families, nor that the "traditional family" is not already the same as it was two decades ago. The definition of family accepts that this social structure undergoes continuous changes that arise from different historical processes and social contexts.

Today's society is characterized by a diversity of family structures, such as nuclear ones; composed by the father, the mother and their children, biological or adopted.The nuclear series; of nuclear nature but a member of the couple or both were previously married and bring the children of the previous family to the new union. On the other hand, there are single mothers and homosexual families.

All these factors are interrelated and impact the family, which responds by undergoing modifications and adopting new ways to be tempered to new times.

Other factors that have effects on society in general are divorces, racism, classism, sexism, homophobia, processes of social exclusion, discrimination, consumerism and poverty.These transformations and the changes that occur in response to new trends in the family can not be ignored by the state. A state that adjusts its policy to new trends does so equitably, for no reason excludes any representative reality of current families.

For this reason, we must accept the diversity of family structures and consider the desirability of redefining the term family, as well as being sensitive to family structures that are socially disadvantaged and that require greater support by the state, such as single mothers, the elderly and the elderly. same-sex couples.

Homoheterosexuals, like homosexuals, are part of a traditional family nucleus, but we represent that hidden reality of homosexuality. Reality that needs an opening to the recognition that we are human beings and as such we deserve equal rights.

My family, like millions of other diverse families, we feel abandoned and discriminated against by governments that have not yet given way to equity. To send COMMENTS:

miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

The Nature of Homosexuality

By: Francisco "El Jimagua" Cartagena Méndez
Writer and Human Rights Activist
President ASI Foundation
Twitter: @eljimagua

Gay people and the LGBTT community have always existed. We have known about homosexuals in old stories and war stories, in fairy tales and in historical stories. We can mention Da Vinci, Alejandro Magno, or perhaps Federico García Lorca and his love for Salvador Dalí. We see them personified in theatrical comedies.

The reality is that being gay is a reality of life; It is something totally natural, another sign that human beings are totally sexual and diverse. In my thirty-one springs I have observed how many men hide their true human nature. They disguise themselves as heterosexual males or females, ignoring any possibility of discovering their true sexual instinct.

Sadly, millions of people in the world have been forced (either by fear, by habit, by learned machismo, by obligation or by cowardice) not to show who they really are. However, the indifference of a gay man in the closet towards another gay man rests on the connotation of the most absurd fear. We are in the 21st century, the freedom of other gays should not bother someone who lives in the shadows of double life. Instead, he should be an example and give him strength to be as he is.Being gay is being yourself. Both men and women around the planet earth want people of the same sex. In all civilizations, cultures and religions, homosexuality is a reality. This very real fact must make us ask the following; How human beings of different ideologies and cultures are able to have feelings and desires for people of the same sex? ... the answer is simple; because it is something totally real and natural of humanity.

In all the archaeological finds that seek to understand the history of humanity, there are present stories of love between people of the same sex. The reason for this is one, since there have always been people who feel sexual and physical desire and affection (love) for people of the same sex.The question that arises before the above is; Why then have homosexuals faced so much discrimination, persecution, hatred, assault and murder against them? The answer is divided in two; 1) the extremist religious ideology and 2) the domain of free thought.

Religious visionaries found in human sexuality, an opportunity to firstly condemn the human being, and second, to dominate him. Conviction precedes the domain of free thought and therefore dominates free sexuality. Uneasiness arises; why in more than 450 species of animals, homosexuality is a reality. A sexuality that is not persecuted, except in human beings of course.

The reason is simple, because the animals (those that are not human) do not have the reasoning by which, the persuasion and the cognitive domain is achieved. However, it is really unknown, if in the animal world (beyond humans) it is possible that there is discrimination by those animals that prefer to copulate between other animals of the same sex.

Being gay is identical to being heterosexual. Gay love and heterosexual love are marked by the same situations. The strangeness, the confidence or the distrust, the necessity and the custom, the desire and sexual appetite, the curiosity, the affection, the hug, the copulate, the kiss. All actions of affection and sexuality between human beings.

For many and for many, everything described above is well seen between couples of the opposite sex (because of the need for human procreation and for the divine or the contemporary deities). However, it is no less true that all human feelings (desire, strangeness, love, love, affection, sexual desire, custom, among others) are present in the lives of people or homosexual couples.

An important issue of homosexuality is that in a certain way, we contribute to not increase human overpopulation. Although many gay people (both men and women) have sons or daughters; the vast majority have not procreated. The overpopulation has negative effects for any country and this has been evident in numerous news headlines and various studies, as happens in China, which have a policy of procreation.

I dare to bet that this writing reflects, without a doubt for my own challenge, a new opportunity to continue writing and discovering new horizons about the diversity of the human being. You can judge me, but the idea is already on the table. To a good listener, only a reliable kiss between two people of the same sex is enough.

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If we were born naked, why are we ashamed of nakedness?

Francisco El Jimagua Cartagena Méndez
Escritor y Activista de Derechos Humanos
Presidente Fundación ASI
Twitter: @eljimagua 
We are born naked and naked, but we are ashamed of nakedness" is a thought that I have always had on this subject. In most societies and in the 21st century, we continue to create the "morbid" before nudity and sexual issues. Perhaps the mental and sexual health of humanity would be healthier if it were not penalized so much the nakedness from the morbid and the religious and moralistic condemnations.
The only animals on the planet earth that dress with clothes are human beings. (Many clothes sadly come from other animals). We cover our body due to our power of reasoning, with which we have the faculty of reasoning (understanding) about the acts we perform with each other and about everything that surrounds us. The reality is that every human being is born naked, even so, to the majority of people, nakedness does not cause much embarrassment, to many other great complexes.
However, there are countries where sex education begins at an early age. Children and girls of 4 and 5 years are educated about what is a penis and a vagina, about how children are procreated (without the archaic story of the stork), as well as educated about sexual diversity and perspective of genre.
In these countries, in television movies and in the cinema, we can see scenes of nudes in which both men and women go totally naked and nobody is alarmed or makes a protest for it. These countries are mainly from Europe, as is the case of Spain, the Netherlands, or Canada. In Latin America there are several countries that this happens in the same way.
In many other countries, this type of education is still banned at an early age and the little sexual education offered in schools is very mechanical, abstract and superficial. It does not represent at all the true sexual reality of the human being, which is a serious danger.

The reason for this is due to religious and extremist ideas and condemnations, to a culture of machismo, a culture in which the "morbid in the face of nakedness" increased generation after generation.
Now, returning to the central theme of this opinion article; In my opinion, nudity is a representation of the human body that goes from being abstract, morbid and shameful, only if it is given explicitly and naturally. For this, it is important to have a well-educated society regarding sexuality, gender equity and human rights; (respect to the foreign body, to the differences, to the woman, and to the sexual orientations that exist beyond the heterosexual).
On the other hand, the issue of nudity represents a new challenge for the societies of this century. It is important to create more sexual education for all kinds of people, including the youngest, the children. The greater the sex education and the less the morbidity in the face of nudity, the less problems of sexual violations and sexual harassment there will be in our communities. (Education, good education, is the key to respect and healthy coexistence with each other).
Finally, there are people who have a natural personality characterized by wanting to be as private as possible in all aspects, including nudity. There are also other types of people who enjoy nakedness without embarrassment and complex, so they like to go to places or beaches intended for nudists. There are also people who love to portray themselves naked or in underwear for themselves, or to show it to others either in their circle of friends or in public; including social networks. On planet earth there is everything.